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When is Friday the 31st?

How often does the 31st day of a month fall on a Friday.

Friday the 31st occurrences
YearDateMonthSince lastComment
2010Friday, December 31, 2010December1 time in year 2010
    No times in year 2011
2012Friday, August 31, 2012August+ 20 months1 time in year 2012
2013Friday, May 31, 2013May+ 9 months1 time in year 2013
2014Friday, January 31, 2014January+ 8 months2 times in year 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014October+ 9 months 
2015Friday, July 31, 2015July+ 9 months1 time in year 2015
    No times in year 2016
2017Friday, March 31, 2017March+ 20 months1 time in year 2017
2018Friday, August 31, 2018August+ 17 months1 time in year 2018
2019Friday, May 31, 2019May+ 9 months1 time in year 2019
2020Friday, January 31, 2020January+ 8 months2 times in year 2020
Friday, July 31, 2020July+ 6 months 
2021Friday, December 31, 2021December+ 17 months1 time in year 2021
    No times in year 2022
2023Friday, March 31, 2023March+ 15 months1 time in year 2023
2024Friday, May 31, 2024May+ 14 months1 time in year 2024
2025Friday, January 31, 2025January+ 8 months2 times in year 2025
Friday, October 31, 2025October+ 9 months 
2026Friday, July 31, 2026July+ 9 months1 time in year 2026
2027Friday, December 31, 2027December+ 17 months1 time in year 2027
2028Friday, March 31, 2028March+ 3 months1 time in year 2028
2029Friday, August 31, 2029August+ 17 months1 time in year 2029
2030Friday, May 31, 2030May+ 9 months1 time in year 2030
2031Friday, January 31, 2031January+ 8 months2 times in year 2031
Friday, October 31, 2031October+ 9 months 
2032Friday, December 31, 2032December+ 14 months1 time in year 2032
    No times in year 2033
2034Friday, March 31, 2034March+ 15 months1 time in year 2034
2035Friday, August 31, 2035August+ 17 months1 time in year 2035
2036Friday, October 31, 2036October+ 14 months1 time in year 2036
2037Friday, July 31, 2037July+ 9 months1 time in year 2037
2038Friday, December 31, 2038December+ 17 months1 time in year 2038
    No times in year 2039
2040Friday, August 31, 2040August+ 20 months1 time in year 2040
2041Friday, May 31, 2041May+ 9 months1 time in year 2041
2042Friday, January 31, 2042January+ 8 months2 times in year 2042
Friday, October 31, 2042October+ 9 months 
2043Friday, July 31, 2043July+ 9 months1 time in year 2043
    No times in year 2044
2045Friday, March 31, 2045March+ 20 months1 time in year 2045
2046Friday, August 31, 2046August+ 17 months1 time in year 2046
2047Friday, May 31, 2047May+ 9 months1 time in year 2047
2048Friday, January 31, 2048January+ 8 months2 times in year 2048
Friday, July 31, 2048July+ 6 months 
2049Friday, December 31, 2049December+ 17 months1 time in year 2049
Between years 2010 and 2050 this occurs 46 times. Upcoming occurrence is highlighted.

Regular list from 2020 to 2030

Which Years Have the Same Calendar?

Reuse your yearly calendar by finding years that have the same number of days and start on the same day of the week.

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