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Years with Same Calendar as 2029

The year 2029 has 365 days and starts on a Monday.

Years with same starting weekday and equal number of days to 2029
YearCompared to year 2029Since last
193495 years before 
194584 years before+ 11 years
195178 years before+ 6 years
196267 years before+ 11 years
197356 years before+ 11 years
197950 years before+ 6 years
199039 years before+ 11 years
200128 years before+ 11 years
200722 years before+ 6 years
201811 years before+ 11 years
2029selected year+ 11 years
20356 years after+ 6 years
204617 years after+ 11 years
205728 years after+ 11 years
206334 years after+ 6 years
207445 years after+ 11 years
208556 years after+ 11 years
209162 years after+ 6 years
210374 years after+ 12 years
211485 years after+ 11 years
212596 years after+ 11 years
20 years share the calendar of year 2029 in the 200-year time span from 1929 to 2128.
Note that holidays will not match exactly. Selected year is highlighted.

Extend to 1500 – 2499

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When Does a Date Fall on a Certain Weekday?

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