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Months equal to May 1911

The month May 1911 has 31 days and starts on a Monday. May 1911 has 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, 5 Wednesdays.

Months which have the same number of days and starting weekday as May 1911
YearMonthCompared to May 1911Since last
1901July9 years, 10 months before
1902December8 years, 5 months before+ 17 months
1904August6 years, 9 months before+ 20 months
1905May6 years before+ 9 months
1906January5 years, 4 months before+ 8 months
1906October4 years, 7 months before+ 9 months
1907July3 years, 10 months before+ 9 months
1909March2 years, 2 months before+ 20 months
1910August9 months before+ 17 months
1911Mayselected month+ 9 months
1912January8 months after+ 8 months
1912July14 months after+ 6 months
1913December2 years, 7 months after+ 17 months
1915March3 years, 10 months after+ 15 months
1916May5 years after+ 14 months
1917January5 years, 8 months after+ 8 months
1917October6 years, 5 months after+ 9 months
1918July7 years, 2 months after+ 9 months
1919December8 years, 7 months after+ 17 months
1920March8 years, 10 months after+ 3 months
1921August10 years, 3 months after+ 17 months
Between years 1901 and 1921 this occurs 21 times. Note that holidays seldom match exactly. Selected month is highlighted.

Which Years Have the Same Calendar?

Reuse your yearly calendar by finding years that have the same number of days and start on the same day of the week.

Which Months Have the Same Calendar?

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When Does a Date Fall on a Certain Weekday?

Do you feel dates like Friday the 13th occur often? This calculator tells you exactly when.

About repeating months

A year has 7 months containing 31 days, 4 months containing 30 days and the final month has either 28 or 29 days. All weekdays occur four times.

This means that:

  • 31-day months repeat on average once every year.
  • 30-day months repeat on average four times every 7 years.
  • 29-day months repeat on average once every 28 years.
  • 28-day months repeat on average 3 times every 28 years.