The International Dialing Codes Calculator provides complete numbers for your international call, including country codes and area codes

How to Use the International Dialing Codes Calculator

  1. Go to the Dialing Calculator set-up page.
  2. In the first row, select the location you are calling from. If it doesn't appear in the drop-down, click on Search, enter the city into the search field, select it from the list of suggested locations, and click Select.
  3. In the second row, select the location you are calling to.
  4. In the third row, enter the subscriber number of the person you are planning to call, without country or area code.
  5. Click on Show Dialing Codes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The calculator doesn't show mobile or cell phone codes!

While the Dialing Codes Calculator provides country and area codes for landlines worldwide, it does not include mobile/cell phone codes yet. However, if you enter the complete mobile number of the person you would like to call, including the mobile/cell phone code, the calculator will add the country code and show the correct number to dial.

The city I'm calling from/to is not included. What do I do?

Our database includes 5000+ locations in all countries worldwide. If the location you are calling from is not included, please just use a city in the same country or territory. The dialing codes should be the same.

If the location you are calling to is not included, you can either use a city that uses the same area code. If you don't know which city to choose, or there is none, please let us know which city is missing and we will consider adding it.

Please note that the Dialing Codes Calculator currently only features the 5000+ locations in our own database. The locations stemming from the GeoNames database cannot be used here yet.

Why isn't this location listed in the Dialing Codes Calculator? Other services show it!

The Dialing Codes Calculator includes all 5000+ locations in our database. Some of our services also include millions of additional locations provided by the GeoNames database. However, these GeoNames locations cannot be selected in the Dialing Codes Calculator yet.

I'm trying to find someone's phone number. Where can I find it?

The International Dialing Codes Calculator is not a phone book, so it does not offer subscriber numbers but only country and area codes. You will have to enter the subscriber number yourself.

To find out a subscriber number, you might wish to consult an online phone directory.

Why does it show the wrong dialing codes?

First of all, please note that the International Dialing Codes Calculator does not include mobile/cell phone codes at the moment. However, if you enter the complete mobile number of the person you would like to call, including the mobile/cell phone code, the calculator will add the country code and show the correct number to dial.

If you have spotted a mistake in our landline or country codes, please let us know.

Why is the wrong local time shown below the results?

At the bottom of the results page, we provide a comparison of the local times in the selected locations at the time when the page was loaded. This is meant as a general comparison, not a substitute for our World Clock, so the time shown here does not update until you refresh the page.

Does the calculator offer reverse search?

No, unfortunately not.

Is it possible to change a query without having to start from scratch?

Yes. On the results page, please click on Make changes to the current locations/number to alter your query.

Where can I find more information about the site and its services?

The General FAQ Page answers your questions about, our services, site-wide settings, customization options, advertising opportunities, and copyright policies.

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