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Countries Partly or Fully Affected | Time Zone | Example Cities | Time Left Days HH:MM:SS |
Christmas Island/Kiribati | LINT | Kiritimati | 315 days, 22:56:46 |
Chatham Islands/New Zealand | CHADT | Chatham Islands | 315 days, 23:11:46 |
New Zealand with exceptions and 5 more | NZDT | Auckland, Wellington, Nuku'alofa, Apia | 315 days, 23:56:46 |
Fiji, small region of Russia and 7 more | ANAT | Anadyr, Suva, Funafuti, Yaren, Tarawa | 316 days, 00:56:46 |
Much of Australia and 6 more | AEDT | Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Honiara | 316 days, 01:56:46 |
Small region of Australia | ACDT | Adelaide, Broken Hill, Ceduna | 316 days, 02:26:46 |
Queensland/Australia and 6 more | AEST | Brisbane, Port Moresby, Hagåtña | 316 days, 02:56:46 |
Northern Territory/Australia | ACST | Darwin, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek | 316 days, 03:26:46 |
Japan, South Korea and 5 more | JST | Tokyo, Seoul, Pyongyang, Dili, Ngerulmud | 316 days, 03:56:46 |
Western Australia/Australia | ACWST | Eucla | 316 days, 04:11:46 |
China, Philippines and 11 more | CST | Beijing, Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore | 316 days, 04:56:46 |
Much of Indonesia, Thailand and 7 more | WIB | Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, Phnom Penh | 316 days, 05:56:46 |
Myanmar and Cocos Islands | MMT | Yangon, Naypyidaw, Mandalay, Bantam | 316 days, 06:26:46 |
Bangladesh and 5 more | BST | Dhaka, Bishkek, Thimphu, Omsk | 316 days, 06:56:46 |
Nepal | NPT | Kathmandu, Pokhara, Biratnagar, Dharan | 316 days, 07:11:46 |
India and Sri Lanka | IST | New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru | 316 days, 07:26:46 |
Pakistan and 9 more | UZT | Tashkent, Islamabad, Almaty, Lahore | 316 days, 07:56:46 |
Afghanistan | AFT | Kabul, Kandahar, Mazari Sharif, Herat | 316 days, 08:26:46 |
Azerbaijan and 8 more | GST | Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Port Louis | 316 days, 08:56:46 |
Iran | IRST | Tehran, Rasht, Esfahãn, Mashhad, Tabriz | 316 days, 09:26:46 |
Moscow/Russia and 23 more | MSK | Moscow, Ankara, Baghdad, Nairobi | 316 days, 09:56:46 |
Greece and 30 more | EET | Cairo, Athens, Bucharest, Johannesburg | 316 days, 10:56:46 |
Germany and 45 more | CET | Brussels, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Algiers | 316 days, 11:56:46 |
United Kingdom and 24 more | GMT | London, Dublin, Lisbon, Accra, Reykjavik | 316 days, 12:56:46 |
Azores/Portugal and Cabo Verde | CVT | Praia, Ponta Delgada, Mindelo | 316 days, 13:56:46 |
Most of Greenland and 2 more | WGT | Nuuk, Ittoqqortoormiit, King Edward Point | 316 days, 14:56:46 |
Most of Brazil, Argentina and 8 more | ART | Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago | 316 days, 15:56:46 |
Newfoundland and Labrador/Canada | NST | St. John's, Mary's Harbour | 316 days, 16:26:46 |
Some regions of Canada and 29 more | VET | Caracas, La Paz, San Juan, Santo Domingo | 316 days, 16:56:46 |
Regions of USA and 14 more | EST | New York, Washington DC, Detroit, Havana | 316 days, 17:56:46 |
Regions of USA and 9 more | CST | Mexico City, Chicago, Guatemala City | 316 days, 18:56:46 |
Some regions of USA and 2 more | MST | Calgary, Denver, Edmonton, Phoenix | 316 days, 19:56:46 |
Regions of USA and 4 more | PST | Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas | 316 days, 20:56:46 |
Alaska/USA and regions of French Polynesia | AKST | Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Unalaska | 316 days, 21:56:46 |
Marquesas Islands/French Polynesia | MART | Taiohae | 316 days, 22:26:46 |
Small region of USA and 3 more | HST | Honolulu, Rarotonga, Adak, Papeete | 316 days, 22:56:46 |
Regions of US Minor Outlying Islands and 2 more | NUT | Alofi, Midway, Pago Pago, Jarvis Island | 316 days, 23:56:46 |
Regions of US Minor Outlying Islands | AoE | Baker Island, Howland Island | 317 days, 00:56:46 |