Past Weather in 9°35'00.6"N, 11°11'02.2"E — Graph
9°35'00.6"N, 11°11'02.2"E Temperature Yesterday
Maximum temperature yesterday: 99 °F (at 3:00 pm)
Minimum temperature yesterday: 73 °F (at 9:00 pm)
Average temperature yesterday: 86 °F
High & Low Weather Summary for the Past Weeks
Temperature | Humidity | Pressure | |
High | 100 °F (Jan 23, 4:00 pm) | 38% (Feb 1, 9:00 pm) | 30.01 "Hg (Feb 1, 9:00 pm) |
Low | 68 °F (Jan 29, 9:00 pm) | 8% (Jan 24, 4:00 pm) | 29.68 "Hg (Feb 3, 3:00 pm) |
Average | 88 °F | 16% | 29.83 "Hg |
* Reported Jan 22 4:00 pm — Feb 6 4:00 pm, 9°35'00.6"N, 11°11'02.2"E. Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 |
Note: Actual official high and low records may vary slightly from our data, if they occured in-between our weather recording intervals... More about our weather records
9°35'00.6"N, 11°11'02.2"E Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
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Conditions | Comfort | |||||||
Time | Temp | Weather | Wind | Humidity | Barometer | Visibility | ||
4:00 pm Thu, Feb 6 | 99 °F | Passing clouds. | 6 mph | ↑ | 8% | 29.71 "Hg | N/A | |
3:00 pm | 99 °F | Passing clouds. | 7 mph | ↑ | 8% | 29.71 "Hg | N/A | |
2:00 pm | 99 °F | Passing clouds. | 8 mph | ↑ | 8% | 29.71 "Hg | N/A | |
1:00 pm | 97 °F | Passing clouds. | 6 mph | ↑ | 9% | 29.74 "Hg | N/A | |
12:00 pm | 93 °F | Passing clouds. | 6 mph | ↑ | 12% | 29.80 "Hg | N/A | |
11:00 am | 91 °F | Passing clouds. | 8 mph | ↑ | 13% | 29.83 "Hg | N/A | |
10:00 am | 86 °F | Passing clouds. | 7 mph | ↑ | 17% | 29.83 "Hg | N/A | |
9:00 am | 82 °F | Passing clouds. | 8 mph | ↑ | 19% | 29.83 "Hg | N/A | |
8:00 am | 77 °F | Sunny. | 7 mph | ↑ | 26% | 29.83 "Hg | 10 mi | |
9:00 pm Wed, Feb 5 | 73 °F | Clear. | 1 mph | ↑ | 33% | 29.80 "Hg | 10 mi | |
8:00 pm | 75 °F | Clear. | 1 mph | ↑ | 27% | 29.80 "Hg | 10 mi | |
7:00 pm | 77 °F | Clear. | 2 mph | ↑ | 26% | 29.77 "Hg | 10 mi | |
Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 |