10:41:00 am Tuesday, February 18, 2025Fullscreen Country: UgandaLong Name: Republic of UgandaAbbreviations: UG, UGACapital: KampalaTime Zones: 1Dial Code: +256 Time Zone in Uganda 10:41 amMbararaEATUTC +3 10:41 amGuluEATUTC +3 10:41 amEntebbeEATUTC +3 10:41 amKampalaEATUTC +3 10:41 amLiraEATUTC +3 10:41 amMbaleEATUTC +3 See all Time Zones in UgandaSee Holidays in UgandaCreate a Calendar for UgandaCurrent Local Time in Locations in Uganda with Links for More Information (7 Locations)AruaTue 10:41 amKampalaTue 10:41 amMbararaTue 10:41 amEntebbeTue 10:41 amLiraTue 10:41 amGuluTue 10:41 amMbaleTue 10:41 amPopup WindowFullscreenExitUganda10:4100amTuesday, February 18, 2025Need some help?Tools & ConvertersMeeting Planner for KampalaTime Zone Converter for KampalaEvent Time Announcer for KampalaTime difference between Kampala and other locationsDistance calculator to/from KampalaDisplay a free clock for Kampala on your website or blogCalendar & HolidaysCreate Uganda calendarUpcoming HolidaysMar 1 - Ramadan StartMar 8 - International Women's DayMar 20 - March EquinoxMore Holidays in UgandaAirportsEntebbe International Airport, EBBArua Airport, RUAGulu Airport, ULUSoroti Airport, SRTMWENGEMBARARA, MBQ