Home   Time Zones   Time Change Dates   32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W
Flag for Argentina

Clock Changes in 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W, Argentina

Last change: 2008
1 hour Back

Mar 16, 2008, 12:00 midnight

No further time changes in 2024 in 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W
Location of 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"WLocation

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Not Observed in Year 2024

Argentina currently observes Argentina Time (ART) all year.

DST is no longer in use.

Clocks do not change in 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W, Argentina.

The previous DST change in 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W, Argentina was on March 15, 2008.

Try selecting a different year below.

Which countries & states use DST and which do not?

Other years: 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

Daylight Saving Time in Other Years

DST changes do not necessarily occur on the same date every year.

YearDST End (Clock Backward)DST Start (Clock Forward)
2020 — 2029DST not observed
All times are local for 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W. Current year is highlighted.

Data for the years before 1970 is not available for 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W, however, we have earlier time zone history for Mendoza available.

Detailed time zone and clock changes in 32°52'59"S, 68°49'00"W