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2009: UN International Year of Reconciliation

The International Year of Reconciliation is observed in 2009. This observance aims to promote the concept of reconciliation worldwide.

Illustration image

2009, the UN Year of Reconciliation.

©iStockphoto.com/Pornpak Khunatorn

The year 2009 is also:

What do people do?

The Subjective Experience and Research (SER) Foundation, a non-government organization associated with the UN, invited organizations and communities around the world to participate in the International Year of Reconciliation. Many projects that are registered on the International Year of Reconciliation 2009 list focus on portraying reconciliation as a bridge to many accomplishments worldwide.  These projects include:

  • Scientific projects in educational institutions.
  • Essay writing competitions that focus on the topic “Resolve that reconciliation is necessary for peace, order and justice”.
  • Musical and theatrical presentations.
  • Monthly activities run by various groups that focus on reconciliation and cooperation in their communities.
  • Documentary films that showcase historical events or human experiences with a reconciliation message.
  • Many more projects, including “Youth for peace and reconciliation” in Burundi and “Make a Date with Peace at World Peace Hologram” in the United States.

Various projects that focus on reconciliation and peace in 2009 come from many countries worldwide, including Burundi, Germany, Nigeria, Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United States.


The UN General Assembly, on November 20, 2006, proclaimed 2009 as the International Year of Reconciliation. The assembly wanted to pursue reconciliation processes in societies affected or divided by conflicts, with the goal of working towards firm and lasting peace. The assembly invited governments and non-governmental organizations to support reconciliation processes in these societies.  It also invited them to implement cultural, educational and social programs to promote reconciliation.

The SER Foundation plays a major role in promoting the International Year of Reconciliation. The foundation has called for a worldwide Reconciliation Week each year since 2005. It believes that reconciliation is the highest form of a dialogue, particularly as an activating principle and as a key to implementing a view in areas such as:

  • Health.
  • Environment.
  • Social/Education.
  • Economics.
  • Religion.
  • Culture.
  • Sciences.
  • Policy.

The SER foundation also believes that reconciliation must comprise all levels of society as an indispensable precondition of sustainable development. The SER’s action plan for the International Year of Reconciliation 2009 unites many stakeholders in society. The event focuses on bringing communities closer towards a joint vision of peace, order and justice.


The International Year of Reconciliation’s motto is “Unity in Diversity”. This motto is reflected in many projects associated with the observance. These projects focus on portraying reconciliation as a bridge on every level of human endeavors under this motto.

Topics: UN Year