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Clocking Time Travel

Science fiction loves the idea of leaping into the past or soaring into the future, but how likely is real-life time travel?

Illustration of a satellite hovering near a black hole with a swirl of clouds illustrating the parameters of the black hole.

Could astronauts orbiting a black hole jump into the future? (Illustration using NASA public-domain imagery.)


Scientists have some fascinating ideas for how we might use speed, gravity, or wormholes to catapault humans across time boundaries someday.

Of course, the technology we need to make that happen is a long way off. But for now, there’s one form of time travel that anyone with a telescope can take part in every night.

Illustration of different dinosaurs drinking at a lake with a volcano in the background.

The view of our planet from 100 million light years away would show dinosaurs roaming the Earth.


A Window to the Past

When we look at far-off stars and galaxies, we are actually getting a view of their past—we see them as they were.

The light from a star 5 million light years away takes that long to reach us, so the image we see is not a picture of that body as it is now, but as it was 5 million years ago.

Another way to visualize it is to imagine beings on another planet 100 million light years away looking at us through their telescope today—they would see the Earth of the distant past, with dinosaurs wandering the surface.

Grounded in Reality and Relativity

When we start to think about real time travel, there’s a tremendous amount we don’t know about how it might work.

But thanks to Einstein and others, we do have some understanding of how mass, gravity, time, and space interact. So we have a reasonable starting point for theorizing about science-based time travel.

Much of our current thinking about all this traces back to three core ideas in Einstein’s theories of General and Special Relativity:

  • To Einstein, all things are measured in relation to something else. So time can be thought of as personal, in the sense that it is only measurable from an observer’s point of view.
  • The measurement of time is affected by how that observer is moving through space.
  • The only exception to the rule of relativity is the speed of light, which is constant (in vaccum) for all observers.

With those rules in mind, researchers tend to focus on two important time-altering elements: speed and gravity.

View of a plane high in the daytime sky, with two contrails trailing behind.

Rocket men: the closer a human gets to moving at the speed of light, the slower time passes for them (compared to someone stationary on Earth).


Speeding Towards a Time Warp

Our current understanding is that time does not pass at the same rate for one observer compared to another throughout the universe. Conditions can cause it to speed up or slow down.

One condition is how quickly you are moving. We know that the faster you travel, the slower time moves for you, compared to someone at rest. Based on special relativity, protons racing around an underground track at 99.999998958 % of the speed of light in facilities like the Large Hadron Collider experience time passing nearly 7000 times slower than stationary human beings do.

So one time-traveling scenario is to put an astronaut in a super-advanced spaceship traveling at the same speed as the Large Hadron Collider protons; 99.999998958 % of the speed of light, for a period of time (let’s say a year), before returning home. In that case, the astronaut would age 12 months on their journey, but would return to an Earth where thousands of years had passed in the same span.

A view of the tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

Particles racing at close to the speed of light around the underground tunnel of the Large Haldron Collider experience time passing much slower than we do.


The Pull of Gravity

Another powerful influence on the flow of time is gravity. We know that the closer you are to a strong gravitational source, the slower the flow of time, compared to someone further away.

In an interview with timeanddate, theoretical physicist Astrid Eichhorn elaborated:

“If you’re closer to Earth, time passes a little bit slower than if you’re farther away. In practical terms, that would mean if you want to age as slowly as possible, you should really lie flat on the floor. Of course, it’s an extremely tiny effect that accumulates over a lifetime. But that’s the way I think about it. If you’re climbing Mount Everest, you will age a bit faster.”

Gravity is one reason why precision clocks on GPS satellites have to be adjusted to take a time flow difference into account. Since they are further from Earth’s gravity, the satellite clocks spin a bit faster than those down on the surface.

But the effect of speed is at work on these timers too. The orbiters move at high velocity, which slows their clocks down slightly. The end result of both distortions is a small variance between the time at the satellite and the time on Earth.

If uncorrected, the resulting calculation errors on our favorite navigating apps would wind up making our maps off by nearly 10 kilometers (six miles) a day.

So, another way we might be able to travel to the future is to position astronauts near a powerful gravitational source like a black hole. Time would slow down for the crew (compared to the rate of time passing for people on Earth), so the astronauts would return to a home planet that exists in the far future.

An illustration of how a wormhole might look in space.

Doorway to the past? Some theories imagine wormholes as portals to different points in space and time.


A Stop Sign for Travel to the Past?

Traveling back in time would be much, much more difficult.

Some theories around this idea require humans to travel faster than the speed of light, which is generally believed to be impossible.

And past time travel might need to rely on a passage or tunnel between two space-time locations—a “wormhole.” These theoretical tubes cutting through the fabric of space-time are often referred to as Einstein-Rosen bridges. One idea is that, under certain conditions, an astronaut could enter a wormhole and emerge at another point in space and time, which could be in the past.

But the general thought has been that wormholes are too unstable to allow anything to travel through them. However, some interesting recent work questioning this idea has been done by physicist Pascal Koiran. In a 2021 paper published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D, Koiran used a specific metric to follow the path of a particle through a hypothetical wormhole.

Looping Back

Another idea for visiting the past is to create a kind of curved loop path through space and time that returns to its original starting point—a shape called a closed time-like curve.

The thought is that future astronauts flying along this curve would eventually find themselves back at the same moment in time and same position in space where they first took off, no matter how long the journey took to get there.

The challenge with this concept is that closed time-like curves are just a theory, and haven’t been proven to exist anywhere in the universe. And the technology we would need to create one artificially is far beyond our capabilities, (so far).

Donuts and Spheres

Despite how far-fetched the reality of constructing a time machine may be, some scientists are proposing intriguing concepts.

One interesting idea was developed by Amos Ori, a theoretical physicist at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, who imagined creating a structure based on closed time-like curves that would be a donut-shaped vacuum surrounded by a sphere of matter.

The concept, Ori told Live Science, would be to “create an area with a warp like this in space that would enable timelines to close on themselves, it might enable future generations to return to visit our time.”

To go back in time using this structure, astronauts would speed around and around inside the donut, with each lap meaning they are going further back in time until they reach the moment the time machine was created, which would be their limit for reverse time travel.

Topics: Fun, Timekeeping