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Dec25 Fun Holiday – A'phabet Day or No "L" Day

December 25 is A'phabet Day or No "L" Day, a day to skip the ‘L’ in all your correspondences and communications - written or otherwise.

Frozen electrical lines for railroad with icicles and a sign with the letter L.

L for Learner, for Left and for Loser.


The origins and purpose of this very obvious’y made-up ho’iday are unknown.

L is the twelfth letter in the English alphabet and the ninth consonant. A consonant is a speech sound that is created by the complete or partial constriction of the vocal organs. There are 21 consonant sounds in the English language.

December 25 is also celebrated by many people around the world as Christmas Day.

How to Celebrate?

Celebrating A'phabet Day or No "L" Day will be a challenge. But don't worry. We have you covered! Here are some easy ways to ce’ebrate this very quirky ho’iday.

  • Avoid the use of ‘L’ in everything you write and say today.
  • Ban the use of any object that begin with the letter 'L' in your house and in your workplace.
  • This holiday is also a great excuse to learn more about orthography. Orthography is the study of the rules of writing a language.

Did You Know...

…that the often cited Cambridge study that spelling doesn’t impede comprehension is true? According to new studies it doesn’t matter in what order letters in a word are as long as the first two letters are at the right place.

A'phabet Day or No "L" Day Observances

Fun Holiday: A'phabet Day or No "L" Day Observances
2025ThuDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2026FriDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2027SatDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2028MonDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2029TueDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2030WedDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2031ThuDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2032SatDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2033SunDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
2034MonDec 25A'phabet Day or No "L" Day

See all Fun Holidays

Other Fun Holidays around December 25

23 Dec


Celebrate this unofficial holiday created by the makers of the comedy TV series, Seinfeld with feats of strength and the airing of grievances.

24 Dec

Eggnog Day

Make a pitcher full of eggnog (or egg nog) to stir up the holiday spirit.

25 Dec

Grav Mass Day

Commemorate the life and times of scientist Isaac Newton and celebrate science and reason.

26 Dec

Thank You Note Day

Write thank you notes to everyone who had been kind to you during the year.